边睡觉边学习?梦境还是现实?| npj Science of Learning

在睡觉时学习是否会有助于记忆?为了进一步探索这一问题,Bjorn Rasch博士在“文章背后的故事”栏目里讨论了他近期于npj Science of Learning发表的一篇研究论文,题目为“Effects of targeted memory reactivation during sleep at home depend on sleep disturbances a...

"The single greatest risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea is obesity. And in fact we found that four out of five police officers were overweight or obese." One of the ag...

在今年双十一Steam上架了一款名为《苦主救助中心》的牛头人游戏,但相信更多的绅士还是更喜欢纯爱向的吧,今天就让小编给大家推荐一款名为《スタディ§ステディ2(Study§Steady 2)》的纯...

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